

The Consumer Culture Context and the Crisis of Masculinities——On Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club
摘要 《搏击俱乐部》是一部诊断美国当代社会文化症候的经典之作,查克·帕拉纽克以其犀利的语言、深邃的笔触揭示了20世纪末美国的社会问题。在消费文化的背景下,现代人变得浮躁焦虑、麻木虚荣,曾经的伦理道德和价值标准在追名逐利和浮夸攀比中日渐沦丧和退化,处于消费主义重压之下的现代男性更是处于崩溃的边缘,男性气质面临危机。我们将立足当代消费文化语境,借鉴鲍德里亚的消费社会理论和康奈尔的多元男性气质理论,采用文本分析与社会历史语境相结合的解读方法,以查克·帕拉纽克的代表作《搏击俱乐部》为阐释文本,探讨20世纪末美国消费社会中的男性气质危机问题。小说展示了查克对消费时代的"X一代"人的独特思考和人文关怀。 Fight Club is a classic in which Chuck Palahniuk's unique way of sharp writing style and saga- cious language help diagnose the syndrome of contemporary American society. Modern consumer culture places consumption at the heart of human life, and the traditional values and aesthetics have been savagely attacked, as a result, human beings are not alienated by specific materials but also by the signs when they are besieged in strong nets of materials. Under the tremendous pressure of consumerism, people become increasingly impetuous and numb, especially for modern men who are experiencing masculinities crisis in consumer society. Drawing upon Baudrillard~ theory of semiotics economics, and R.W. Connell's theory of masculinities, particularly his concept of hegemonic masculinity, the paper locates Fight Club in the his- torical context in attempt to explore the crisis of masculinities of the late 20th century American society, and thus expresses Chuck's contemplation on the "X- generation" and his profound concern upon human nature.
作者 孝红波
出处 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第5期732-736,共5页 Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 大连市社科联研究项目(2012dlskyb169)
关键词 查克·帕拉纽克 《搏击俱乐部》 消费文化 男性气质 身份建构 Chuck Palahniuk Fight Club consumer culture masculinities identity construction
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