

The Self-reconstruction of Spiritual Trauma
摘要 艾丽斯·沃克对于当代美国文学的贡献,首先在于她能够为一直被忽视的美国黑人妇女代言,从而赋予了她们现身和立言的权利。她笔下的妇女,面对黑人社区背景下遭遇的种种压迫,用不同的方式进行反抗。而她们最终的命运历程体现的是黑人女性在精神创伤下的内心重建和她们在自我重建中走向生命完整的过程。 Alice Walker's contribution to American literature primarily lies in her action as the spokesman for the black women who has been ignored in the history. She tries to build their power to act and speak themselves. In her works, the black women suffer from oppressions in the black community, but they finally fight for themselves and reconstruct their new spiritual life.
出处 《湖北广播电视大学学报》 2013年第10期86-87,共2页 Journal of Hubei Radio & Television University
关键词 黑人女性 精神创伤 重建 反抗 完整 black women spiritual trauma re-construction rebellion integrity
  • 相关文献


  • 1Walker, Alice. By the Light of My Father's Smile[M], New York: Random House, Inc., 1998.
  • 2Foucault, Michael. Discipline and Punish: the Birth of the Prison[M]. Trans. Alan Sheridan. New York: Vintage Books, 1979.
  • 3Tate, Claudia. Allegories of Black Female Desire. Changing Our Own Words: Essays on Criticism, Theory, and Writing by Black Women[M]. Edited by Cheryl A. Wall. New Brunswick and London: Rutgers University Press, 1991.
  • 4唐红梅.种族,性别与身份认同:美国黑人女作家爱丽斯沃克、托尼莫里森小说创作研究[M].北京:北京民族出版社,2006.
  • 5孙薇,程锡麟.解读艾丽斯·沃克的“妇女主义”——从《他们的眼睛望着上帝》和《紫色》看黑人女性主义文学传统[J].当代外国文学,2004,25(2):60-66. 被引量:57


  • 1Bernard W. Bell, The Afro - American Novel and Its Tradition, Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1987, D. 273.
  • 2Alice Walker, "Zora Neale Hurston: A Cautionary Tale and a Partisan View," in Lillie P.Howard, ed., Alice Walker and Zora Neale Hurston: The Common Bond, Connecticut:Greenwood Press, 1993, p. 13.
  • 3Bell Hooks, Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center, Boston: South End Press, 1989, p. 14,p.11.
  • 4Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God, New York: HarperPerennial, 1998.
  • 5Paul Lauter, ed., The Heath Anthology of American Literature, New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1998, p.947.
  • 6Henry Louis Gates, Jr. "Series Foreword" in Karla F. C. Holloway, ed. , The Character of the Word: The Texts of Zora Neale Hurston,New York: Greenwood Press, 1987, p. xi.
  • 7Alice Walker, The Color Purple, New York: Pocket Books, 1990.
  • 8James P. Draper, ed. , Black Literature Criticism, Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 1992, p.1073.
  • 9Susan Edwards Meisenhelder, Hitting A Straight Lick with a Crooked Stick : Race and Gender inthe Work of Z. N. Hurston , Tuscaloosa, Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 1999, p. 9.









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