
教学管理人员“走课”:提高课堂教学质量的可行策略 被引量:3

Teaching Managers' “Classroom Walk-Through”:Feasible Strategy of Improving the Quality of Classroom Teaching
摘要 倡导以教导主任为首的中小学教学管理人员"走课",是对美国校长"走课"的本土化借鉴。"走课"的目的在于了解课堂实况,指导教师改进教学,提高课堂教学质量并促进教师专业发展。有效的"走课"应注意行动的随机性、经常性和短时性,观察的问题性、全面性和细致性,反馈的及时性、形成性和非正规性,关系的平等性、亲和性和互利性。 "Classroom walk-through" of teaching managers of primary and secondary schools headed by director of e- ducational administration is local reference of "classroom walk-through" of US principal. Its aims to understand the class- room, instruct teachers to improve teaching and the quality of classroom teaching and to promote the professional develop- ment for teachers. Effective "classroom walk-through" should pay attention to the randomness, usualness and transience of the action; problem, comprehensiveness and carefulness of observation; timeliness, formation and informality of feedback; equality, affinity and mutual benefit of relationship.
作者 韩维东
出处 《湖南师范大学教育科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期69-72,共4页 Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University
基金 2012年湖南省研究生科研创新项目"特级教师长效引领研究"
关键词 走课 教学管理人员 改进教学 classroom walk-throughs teaching managers improve teaching
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