利用HEIFE的实测资料估算了黑河实验区几个沙漠戈壁表面上的热力学粗糙度 (以附加阻尼κB- 1的形式 ) ,发现在任一测站κB- 1值的变化范围较大。同时分析了附加阻尼项在估算感热通量时的作用 ,而忽略该附加阻尼将会导致对感热通量的明显高估 ,提出在利用阻尼型公式计算感热通量时 ,不能采用简单的z0m =z0h的假设 。
The roughness for heat (by the way of excess resistance κB -1 ) over desert and Gobi sites have been calculated in HEIFE area. It was found that the range of κB -1 at individual sites were large. A test of the utility of the excess resistance based on the calculated κB -1 showed that ignoring of this resistance which came from the difference between the roughness length for heat and momentum will result in largely overestimation for sensible heat flux. A preliminary conclusion can be drawn that it would be unproper to take the hypothesis of z 0m = z 0h when estimating sensible heat flux using a resistance type method.
Plateau Meteorology
"国家重点基础研究发展规划"G1 9980 4 0 90 0项目第一部分!(G1 9980 4 0 90 4 2 )
国家自然科学基金项目!( 49790 0 2 0 )的资助