
学术期刊论文摘要研究的新视角 被引量:8

New Perspective in Research on Journal Article Abstracts
摘要 学术期刊论文摘要作为学术论文不可分割的一部分,在学术期刊进一步国际化、规范化的进程中越来越发挥着不可低估的作用。如何利用言简意赅的摘要有效地促进学术信息的交流和传播,已成为科研人员和期刊编辑研究的新课题。回顾国内外学术论文摘要研究的历程,采用先进的语料库和计算机技术相结合的大样本考察方法,从一个崭新的视角———语步完整性和均衡性相结合的角度研究学术论文的中英文摘要,可以发现:国际学术期刊英文摘要的语步较完整,语步分布相对均衡,表达客观,而中国学术期刊的语言文学类和人文社科类的中英文摘要语步不太完整,语步分布则不太均衡且主观性较强。找出中国学术期刊论文摘要存在的不足以及造成这些缺陷的成因,有利于对症下药,提高我国学术期刊论文摘要撰写和编辑的水平。 As an indispensable part of journal research articles, the function of article abstracts in the process of journal internationalization and standardization can never be underestimated. How to promote the communication and dissemination of academic information with brief and concise abstracts has become a new research topic for both researchers and journal editors. This study aims to analyze the rhetoric features of Chinese and English abstracts by using advanced corpus and computer technology from a brand-new perspective, the wholeness and proportionality of moves. Findings indicate that the move distribution of English abstracts of international journals is well-balanced, with expressions being objective, while the move distribution of both Chinese and English abstracts of Chinese periodicals, esp. in language and literature, humanities and social sciences, is less balanced and relatively subjective. The research will search for the drawbacks of Chinese journal abstracts and the related causes, and practical measures will be taken then, which will benefit abstract writing and journal edition.
作者 牛桂玲
出处 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期150-156,共7页 Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社科研究项目"基于平行语料库的中外学术期刊论文中英文摘要的语类分析研究"(10YJA740074)阶段性成果
关键词 学术期刊 论文摘要 编辑 规范 语步均衡性 academic journals research article abstracts editing standardization proportionality of moves
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