
新型苯并恶嗪的合成及其改性CE/BMI研究 被引量:3

Study on Synthesis of Novel benzoxazine Resin and its Modificaion of CE/BMI
摘要 采用溶剂法合成新型羟基封端的苯并恶嗪(Boz-BPA)中间体及其固化物[P(Boz-BPA)]。利用红外光谱(FTIR)和核磁共振对其结构进行表征,通过差扫描量热法、FTIR和热失重分析其固化过程。采用熔融预聚法制备了氰酸酯(CE)/双马来酰亚胺(BMI)/Boz-BPA树脂体系,并分析研究了改性树脂的力学性能。结果表明,Boz-BPA中间体的固化温度为227℃,固化产物的5%和10%热失重温度分别为365和395℃,800℃时的质量保持率高达54%;适量Boz-BPA的加入可以明显提高CE/BMI树脂的韧性和强度,10%Boz-BPA的加入可使CE/BMI树脂的冲击强度达到14.3 kJ/cm2,弯曲强度达到128.6 MPa。 A novel hydroxy-terminated benzoxazine(Boz-BPA) was synthesized and its thermoset [P(Boz-BPA)] was prepared. The structures of Boz-BPA was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)' and nuclear magnetic resonance. Using differential scanning calorimetry, FTIR and thermal gravimetric analysis, the curing behavior of Boz-BPA was probed. The modified resin system of cyanate (CE) / bismaleimide (BMI) / Boz-BPA was prepared by melting pre-polymerization. The mechanical properties of CE / BMI / Boz-BPA was also investigated.The results show that curing temperature of Boz-BPA is 227 ℃. The 5% and 10% weight loss temperatures of polybenzoxazine are 365 ℃ and 395 ℃ respectively with quality retention rate up to 54% at 800 ℃. The addition of Boz-BPA into CE/BMI resin significantly improves toughness and strength, its impact strength and flexural strength is 14.3 kJ/cm2 and 128.6 MPa when amount of Boz-BPA is 10%.
出处 《工程塑料应用》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第10期22-25,共4页 Engineering Plastics Application
关键词 苯并恶嗪 合成 树脂 热稳定性 benzoxazine synthesis resin thermal stability
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