
熔体静电纺PA6超细纤维的制备与工艺研究 被引量:2

Study on Preparation and Process of PA6 Ultra-Fine Fibers via Melt-Electrospinning
摘要 利用自主研发的气动喂料熔体静电纺丝设备,制备了直径为2.25—6.31μm的PA6超细纤维,借助扫描电子显微镜对不同工艺条件下制备的PA6超细纤维进行表征,并对纤维直径作出统计分析,探讨了主要工艺参数对纤维直径及变异系数的影响。结果表明,增大纺丝电压、减小纺丝距离有利于减小纤维直径;随着纺丝温度的升高,纤维直径呈现先减小后增大的趋势,直径变异系数逐渐增大;减小喂料气压能够显著减小纤维直径。 PA6 ultra-fine fibers were prepared by self-made pneumatic feeding melt electrospinning device, whose average diameter ranged from 2.25 μ m to 6.31μm. The as-spun PA6 ultra-fine fibers made under different parameters were characterized by SEM, and the average diameter of as-spun PA6 ultra-fine fibers was calculated via SEM. The influences of main parameters on fibers' diameter and variation coefficient were studied. Experimental results show that shortening spinning distance and improving spinning voltage can reduce the diameter of fibers within a certain range. With the increase of spinning temperature, the diameter of as-spun PA6 fibers decease firstly and then increase within a certain range, while variation coefficient of diameter increase all through the way. Decreasing air pressure can reduce the average diameter of as-spun fibers.
出处 《工程塑料应用》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第10期38-41,共4页 Engineering Plastics Application
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)资助项目(2012AA030313) 江苏省科技支撑计划(工业)项目(SBE201201094)
关键词 熔体静电纺 PA6超细纤维 喂料气压 纺丝电压 纤维直径 melt-electrospinning PA6 ultra-fine fiber feeding air-pressure applied voltage fiber diameter
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