

To study the characteristic of event-related potential in children with absence epilepsy
摘要 目的:应用事件相关电位(ERP)P300成分即P3波与神经心理学评分来研究失神发作患儿的认知功能并探讨其相关性。方法:选取确诊为失神发作的患儿22例,并设立正常对照组。应用ERP的P300检测,同时选用韦氏智力量表(C-WISC)测试对受试者言语智商(VIQ)和操作智商(PIQ)进行综合评估。通过统计学将病例组与对照组P300潜伏期、波幅及智商得分进行单因素方差分析,再将P300潜伏期、波幅与C—WISC各项测评分数进行相关性分析。结果:①失神发作患儿组P300潜伏期及波幅的均值明显长于对照组,其间差异有显著意义;②失神癫痫患儿组在C-WISC测试的各项得分均值均低于对照组,其间差异有显著意义;③P300潜伏期与VIQ、PIQ、总智商(FIQ)值呈负相关,而V1Q、PIQ、FIQ与P300波幅之间则不存在相关性。结论:①失神发作病例组的患儿P300各项参数均与同龄正常儿童存在差异,而且病例组患儿VIQ、PIQ及FIQ得分均低于同龄正常儿童,且存在显著差异;②失神癫痫伴认知损伤患儿ERP具有特征性,P300潜伏期明显长于同龄正常儿童,而P300波幅明显低于同龄正常儿童;③P300波幅与各智商(IQ)评分不存在相关性,P300潜伏期与IQ评分则呈负相关,IQ评分越高,其P300潜伏期越短。 Objective:To Study the cognitive function of the children with childhood absence epilep- sy (CAE), and to observe the characteristics of their event-related potential(ERP). Methods: To bring 22 children who were diagnosed with CAE into the experiment group, and bring another 22 normal chil- dren into the control group. To check the ~2 groups children with ERP. And to value the cognitive func- tion of the 2 groups with C-WISC. To analysis the data of the two groups with SPSS. Results:The PL of P300 in the experiment group were longer than the control group (P^0. 001). And the P300 Amp of the experiment group were lower than the control group, and there is also significant deviation between the two groups (P^0.05). The score of C-WlSC of the experiment group was lower then the score of the control group(P^0.05). In the Pearson test, the P3PL were negatively related with their score of C- WISC. And the P300 Amp were no relationship with the score. Conclusion:The children with CAE were vulnerable to intelligence disturbance. And their score of C-WISC were lower than the normal children. And their P300 PL were longer,P300 Amp were lower than the normal children's. Meanwhile children's P300 PL were negatively related with their score of VIQ, PIQ, FIQ.
出处 《癫痫与神经电生理学杂志》 2013年第5期293-296,共4页 Journal of Epileptology and Electroneurophysiology(China)
关键词 事件相关电位(ERP) 儿童失神发作 认知功能 语言智商(VIQ) 操作智商(PIQ) Event-related potential(ERP)~ Childhood absence epilepsy (CAE) Cognitive function
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