
南京市居民流动性评价及流空间特征研究 被引量:28

The Evaluation of Resident Fluidity and the Spatial Characteristics of Flow in Nanjing
摘要 信息时代居民的流动性特征在很大程度上反映了"流空间"特征。通过对城市居民流动性评价,以及居民流动性与地理空间活跃程度的关联分析,研究居民流动性与实体地理空间的耦合关系及所呈现出的"流空间"结构与特征等。基于信息时代南京市居民行为活动的问卷调查数据,从人流、货物流、信息流和活动流4个方面构建居民流动性指标体系,采用熵值法对居民的流动性进行综合测度,以街道为单元分析居民流动性的空间特征,南京市居民流动性的空间特征总体上呈现出中心-外围的圈层式布局结构;根据居民流动性和空间活跃度的耦合关系将"流空间"划分为4种类型,当前应加强高流动性-弱活跃度、低流动性-强活跃度2类地区的网络空间和地理空间协调发展。 The traditional geographic space is undergoing a rapid transformation in the information age. The cy- berspace plays a continuing role on the real geographical space, and the space of flow takes as a new spatial form. The residents' fluidity can reflect the characteristics of the "space of flow" to a large extent in the infor- mation age. Based on the comprehesive measures of resident fludity carried out in the city, this article research- es on the characteristics of the "space of flow" and the coupling relationship between the resident fludity and physical geographical space, through the correlation analysis of the resident fludity and the activity level of physical geographical space. On the basis of the index of resident fludity in the information age, this article us- es survey data of behavioral characteristics of residents during the information age and the method of comen- tropy to determine the weight to evaluate the resident fluidity in Nanjing. The result indicates that the spatial characteristics of the resident fludity shows the layered structure of center-periphery, and there is a spatial ten- dency to expand along the axis. In the transitional phase of industrial era to information age, the resident fludi- ty, on the one hand, is constrained and limited by the geographical space, which shows some characteristics of geographical space; on the other hand, due to such reasons as uneven space of residents' information using and individual differences of information on the behavior, the resident fludity indicates a new characteristics of spatial difference. According to the coupling relationship between the fluidity of residents and physical geo- graphic space, "space of flow" can be divided into four types: high fluidity-strong activity, high fluidity-weak activity, low fluidity-strong activity and low fluidity-weak activity. The various combinations represent the or- ganizational model and structure of the "space of flow". During the transitional period, we should focus on co- ordinating development of two types of regions, high fluidity-weak activity and low fluidity-strong activity, of cyberspace and geographical space to enhance the function of "space of flow". It is a meanfull attempt of quan- titive evaluation for the "space of flow", and the advanced research will be done on the basis of a large number of sample surveys.
出处 《地理科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期1051-1057,共7页 Scientia Geographica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40971094) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(1115090201) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NECT-09-0470)资助
关键词 居民流动性 流空间 虚拟空间 地理空间 南京 the resident fludity space of flow cyberspace the geographical space Nanjing
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