
印非合作机制建设及其对中国的启示 被引量:4

The Establishment of Mechanisms for India-Africa Cooperation and Lessons for China
摘要 进入21世纪以来,印度与非洲的合作逐渐加深,合作机制建设不断加强。在继承和发展冷战期间印非合作机制的基础上,印度目前已经初步形成了一个高层统筹、内外联动,高低衔接、公私并举,多边与双边互补、新兴项目与传统项目结合的对非合作机制网络。印非合作机制的建设对印度实现其非洲政策目标起到相当大的促进作用。虽然印非合作机制与中非合作机制相比有一些明显的欠缺,但印非合作机制建设的许多方面是值得中国思考和借鉴的。 Beginning from the 21st Century, cooperation between India and Af- rica gradually deepened, with mechanisms for cooperation continuously evolving. On the basis of mechanisms inherited from the Cold War era, India has already developed a network for high level coordination and cooperation with Africa inclu- ding internal and external linkages at both the public and private level, and the incorporation of both bilateral and multilateral elements and traditional and innova- tive projects. The development of this platform for cooperation has helped India promote progress towards its policy goals in Africa. While comparatively speaking, the framework for India - Africa cooperation clearly falls short of that for Sino - Africa cooperation, there are still many elements of India - Africa cooperation that China should carefully study and consider incorporating into its own scheme for Africa cooperation.
作者 刘宗义
出处 《南亚研究》 CSSCI 2013年第3期113-127,共15页 South Asian Studies
关键词 印度与非洲关系 合作机制 印非论坛峰会 中非关系 India - Africa Relations Cooperative Mechanisms India - Af-rica Summit China- Africa Relations
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