目的探讨ICU患者深部真菌感染的主要原因及预防措施。方法对广东省高州市人民医院2010年7月-2012年7月收治的50例ICU深部真菌感染患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 ICU患者深部真菌感染的主要原因包括机械通气、留置导尿、应用广谱抗生素、胃肠外手术、应用糖皮质激素等;治疗的总有效率为90%。结论多种因素造成了ICU患者发生深部真菌感染,临床应该依据患者的发病特点进行积极有效的预防和治疗,只有这样才能取得良好的临床治疗效果。
Objective To investigate the main causes and preventive measures of the deep fungal infections of ICU patients.Methods Retrospectively analyzed the clinical data of 50 cases oflCU deep fungal infections patients who were dmitted to our hospital from July. 2010 to July. 2012. Results The deep fungal infections oflCU patients was mainly caused by mechanical ventilation, indwelling catheterization, the application of broad-spectrum antibiotics, parenteral surgery, glucocorticoid hormones and so on; The total treatment effective rate reached 90%. Conclusion The deep fungal infections of ICU patients is caused by a variety of factors, the clinical should do positive and effective prevention based on the clinical characteristics of the patients, only in this way can we achieve a good clinical effect.
Contemporary Medicine