
钴^(60)-γ射线辐照法对骨蜡中指示病毒灭活效果的验证 被引量:6

Verification of inactivation efficacy of indicator virus in bone wax by ^(60)Co-γ ray irradiation
摘要 目的验证钴60-γ射线辐照对骨蜡中模拟污染指示病毒的灭活效果。方法将固体骨蜡制成腔壁0.7 cm厚的空心圆柱体的辐照用样品,空腔中分别加入6.61 Lg PFU/ml辛德毕(Sindbis)病毒、7.07 LgTCID50/0.1 ml脑心肌炎病毒(encephalomyocarditis virus,EMCV)和6.01 LgTCID50/0.1 ml猪细小病毒(porcine parvovirus,PPV),分别经5、10、15、20及25 kGy的钴60-γ射线进行辐照后,收集样品腔中的病毒液,采用噬斑形成法检测Sindbis病毒滴度,采用微量半数细胞病变法检测PPV和EMCV滴度。结果经不同剂量kGy钴60-γ射线辐照,Sindbis病毒、EMCV及PPV的病毒滴度随辐照剂量的增加而下降,辐照剂量增加至25 kGy时,可灭活3种病毒的量分别达6.03~6.60 LgPFU/ml、6.25~6.32 Lg TCID50/0.1 ml和4.75~4.88 LgTCID50/0.1 ml以上。结论 25 kGy的钴60-γ射线对骨蜡中的包膜和无包膜病毒均有较好的灭活效果。 Objective To verify the inactivation efficacy of indicator vires in bone wax by60Co-γ ray irradiation. Methods Solid bone wax was prepared into hollow cylinders at a parietal thickness of 0. 7 cm for irradiation, and added with 6. 61 Lg PFU/ml Sindbis virus, 7.07 LgTCIDs0/0. 1 ml encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) and 6. 01 LgTCIDs0/ 0. 1 ml porcine parvovirus (PPV) respectively. After irradiation with 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 kGy 60Co-γ ray, the three kinds of virus liquids were collected. The titer of Sindbis virus was determined by plaque formation assay, while those of PPV and EMCV by micro-CPE. Results All the titers of Sindbis virus, EMCV and PPV decreased with the increasing dosages of 60Co-γ ray. When the dosage was 25 kGy, the titers of Sindbis virus, EMCV and PPV decreased by more than 6. 03 - 6. 60 LgPFU/ml, 6. 25 - 6. 32 Lg TCID50/0. 1 ml and more than 4. 75 - 4. 88 Log TCID5/0. 1 ml respectively. Conclusion The ~60Co-γ ray at a dosage of 25 kGy showed good inactivation effect on both lipid-enveloped and non-enveloped viruses in bone wax.
出处 《中国生物制品学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2013年第9期1318-1321,共4页 Chinese Journal of Biologicals
关键词 Γ射线 骨蜡 辛德毕病毒 脑心肌炎病毒 猪细小病毒 灭活 γRays Bone wax Sindbis virus Encephalomyocarditis virus(EMCV) Porcine parvovirus virus (PPV) In-activation
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