
儿童狂犬病预防性免疫接种的可能性分析 被引量:1

Possibility of prophylactic vaccination against rabies in children
摘要 尽管现有的狂犬病疫苗可有效预防狂犬病的发生,但在亚洲和非洲,每年仍约有55 000人死于狂犬病,其中约一半年龄在15岁以下。如果把狂犬病疫苗接种纳入到儿童预防性接种计划中,势必会大大降低狂犬病死亡率。但目前市场上狂犬病疫苗价格和接种效果、预防性免疫接种的成本/效益分析将是该计划能否实施的主要决定因素。本文就儿童狂犬病预防性免疫接种的可能性进行了综述。 Rabies still claims an estimated lives of 55 000 people living in Africa and Asia each year even when efficacious vaccines are available and half of the deaths are children under the age of 15. If rabies vaccination is included in the Children's Immunization Program, rabies associated mortality can surely be greatly reduced. However, based on the effectiveness and price of currently marketed rabies vaccines, the implementation of such initiative will be mainly determined by cost / effective analysis result of preventive vaccination. This paper discusses the possibility of prophylactic vaccination against rabies in children.
出处 《中国生物制品学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2013年第9期1355-1358,共4页 Chinese Journal of Biologicals
关键词 预防性免疫接种 狂犬病疫苗 成本效益分析 Preventive vaccination Rabies vaccine Cost/effective analysis
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