
新型杆式压电电机柔轮的自由振动分析 被引量:2

Free Vibration Analysis of Flexible Ring for a New Bar-type Piezoelectric Motor
摘要 分析了柔轮在新型杆式压电电机中的自由振动。叙述了电机的工作原理,运用Donnell壳体理论,建立了柔轮受活齿力作用时的自由振动方程。得出了柔轮的频率方程和模态函数表达式,讨论了振动频率和模态振型随结构参数的变化规律。研究结果为该种电机的性能评价和设计提供了理论依据。 Free vibration of flexible ring for a new type of bar-type piezoelectric motor was inves-tigated herein. The working principles of the motor were described. The free vibration equation of the flexible ring under the meshing force was given with the Donnell shell theory. The frequency equation and modal function equations of the flexible ring were obtained. The changes of the vibration frequen-cies and mode shapes along with structural parameters were discussed. The results lay the foundation for performance evaluation and design of this motor.
机构地区 燕山大学
出处 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第19期2651-2656,共6页 China Mechanical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51275441)
关键词 新型杆式压电电机 柔轮 活齿啮合 自由振动 new bar-type piezoelectric motor tlexible ring live teeth engagement tree vibra-tion
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