
抑郁症患者依赖和自我批评人格特质与童年期虐待的相关性 被引量:2

Correlation of personality traits of dependency, self-criticism and childhood abuse in patients with major depression
摘要 目的 探讨抑郁症患者依赖、自我批评人格特质与童年期虐待经历及抑郁症状的关系.方法 采用病例对照研究,抑郁症组与正常对照各入组80例.采用汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)、抑郁体验问卷(DEQ)及儿童虐待问卷(CTQ)对其进行分别评估.结果 抑郁患者人格特质中依赖[(90.77±14.54)分]和自我批评[(68.00±15.02)分]均高于对照组[分别为:(77.96±11.81)分,(50.02±10.38)分],差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).依赖与躯体虐待、情感忽视、躯体忽视及虐待总分呈显著正相关(P<0.05).自我批评则与情感虐待、躯体虐待、情感忽视、躯体忽视及虐待总分均呈显著正相关(P<0.05).逐步多元线性回归分析显示,依赖、自我批评可直接预测抑郁症状[分别为(β=0.283,P<0.05)、(β=0.284,P<0.05)],情感虐待通过依赖、自我批评的中介作用影响抑郁症状.结论 情感虐待对抑郁的影响可以通过依赖和自我批评人格特质间接发生作用,依赖、自我批评人格特质在情感虐待和抑郁之间起中介作用. Objective To explore the correlation of personality traits of dependence,self-criticism and childhood abuse in patients with major depression.Methods As a case-control study,80 patients with major depression and 80 normal controls took apart in this study.They were separately evaluated by Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD),depressive experiences questionnaire (DEQ) and child abuse questionnaire (CTQ).Results Each factor scores of dependency (90.77 ± 14.54) and self-criticism (68.00 ± 15.02) in patients with major depression were significantly higher than that in normal control group (77.96 ± 11.81,50.02 ± 10.38,P〈0.05).Dependence was significantly positive correlated with physical abuse,emotional neglect and physical neglect (P 〈0.05); and self-criticism were significantly positive correlated with emotional abuse,physical abuse,emotional neglect and physical neglect (P〈 0.05).Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis showed that dependence,selfcriticism could directly predict depressive symptoms respectively (β =0.283,P 〈 0.05),(β =0.284,P 〈 0.05),and emotional abuse could affect depressive symptoms by intermediation of dependency and self-criticism.Conclusion Emotional abuse can impact on depressive symptoms indirectly by dependent and self-criticism personality traits which suggest personality traits of dependency and self-criticism probably play an intermediate effect role between childhood abuse and major depression.
出处 《中华行为医学与脑科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第8期719-721,共3页 Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science
基金 重庆市卫生局医学科研计划项目(2011-2-066)
关键词 抑郁症 依赖 自我批评 虐待 人格特质 Major depression Self-criticism Dependency Abuse Personality traits
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