
压气机失速过程中的壁面压力分布特征 被引量:1

Characteristics of Casing Static Pressure During Compressor Stall
摘要 为了深入认识失速团在不同时刻的特征,采用一种基于二维壁面静压谱的分析方法对几种典型状态下的单级轴流压气机转子叶尖流场静压分布特征进行了详细研究。结果表明:该方法能很好地观察不同时刻的失速团发展变化过程以及失速团的影响范围,同时还能判别失速团的个数以及大致的旋转速度。用此方法发现该压气机在进入失速后有1个大失速团,影响范围在4/5周向通道左右,而开大节气门后在退出失速的过程中失速团会分裂成为2个,且失速团的影响范围会变得很小,旋转速度增大。 To describe the characteristics of stall cells visually, an experimental investigation is performed with the method of casing static pressure countour analysis to study the flow field at the rotor tip for a single-stage axial compressor. The re- sults indicate that the method could observe the developing process and influence area of the stall cells visually, estimate the number precisely and the rotating speed approximately. The frequency analysis validates the veracity of the method. This method finds that there is one cell which holds 4/5 of the passage of the compressor when a stall occurs, and then the stall cell splits to two and rotates faster by opening the valve.
出处 《航空学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期2092-2099,共8页 Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(50906100)~~
关键词 压气机 失速过程 转子叶尖 动态压力 频谱分析 compressor process of stall rotor tip dynamic pressure frequency analysis
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