
开洞钢板剪力墙的抗侧刚度分析 被引量:17

摘要 钢板剪力墙作为一种新型抗侧力结构体系,墙板开洞对钢板剪力墙结构体系的抗侧力行为具有重要影响。抗侧刚度和抗侧承载力是设计中最为关心的两项基本性能,该文重点研究墙板开洞对抗侧刚度的影响。首先介绍了3个钢板剪力墙试件的低周往复荷载试验,试验表明钢板剪力墙试件抗震性能优越,开洞会影响试件的抗侧刚度和抗侧承载力。随后,建立了钢板剪力墙结构的壳-实体精细有限元单层模型,研究了影响抗侧刚度的关键因素。在此基础上,通过大量数值计算和参数分析,提出了用于计算开洞墙板厚度折减率的简化计算公式,建议结构体系建模时以折减厚度的不开洞墙板代替实际厚度的开洞墙板,计算公式和精细有限元计算结果进行充分对比,具有良好的精度。最后,采用考虑剪切变形的悬臂梁理论和该文建议的厚度折减率简化计算公式对国内外一些不开洞与开洞钢板剪力墙试验进行验证,理论结果与试验结果吻合良好,该文建议的开洞墙板厚度折减率公式与抗侧刚度理论计算模型具有较高的精度,可供工程设计参考。 Openings in the plate greatly affect the lateral resistant behavior of steel plate shear walls, which have been used more frequently as a lateral load resisting system in the design and retrofit of medium-to-high-rise buildings. Since the lateral stiffness and lateral resistant capacity are the two basic characteristic behaviors in the design practice, this paper focuses on the influence of the opening on the lateral stiffness. This paper firstly presents the experimental results of three steel plate shear walls under the low-cycle reverse load. The satisfying seismic behavior of steel plate shear walls are verified by the test results, and the strength and stiffness of the steel plate shear walls are obviously reduced due to openings. In addition, an elastic elaborate finite element model of the single-story wall panel is developed in order to find the critical factors dominating the reduced lateral stiffness. Furthermore, extensive numerical calculation and parametric analysis are conducted to derive the simplified formulae of thickness reduction coefficient of wall panels with the opening for substituting the reduced thickness wall panel without the opening for the actual wall panel with the opening. The predictions obtained using the proposed formulae correlate well with the numerical results. Finally, some experimental programs of steel plate shear walls are selected to validate the design method proposed in this paper. It can be concluded that the proposed design method in this research can be used reasonably to consider the influence of the opening on the lateral stiffness of steel plate shear walls in the routine design practice.
出处 《工程力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期200-210,263,共12页 Engineering Mechanics
基金 国家科技支撑计划课题项目(2011BAJ09B01) 国家自然科学基金项目(51222810,51178246)
关键词 钢板剪力墙 开洞 抗侧刚度 厚度折减率 单层墙板模型 steel plate shear wall opening lateral stiffness thickness reduction coefficient single-story wall panel model
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