
图书馆未成年人服务中的智识自由:国外案例评析 被引量:6

Intellectual Freedom in Library Service for Minors:Analysis of Foreign Case
摘要 图书馆未成年人服务中的智识自由问题具有复杂性。在未成年人领域,图书馆协会倾向于保护智识自由;美国的法院判例则表明,自由的边界问题引起激烈的论争;当未成年人获取信息的渠道为网络时,不同观点之间的分歧更为尖锐。在图书馆职业内部,价值中立由于存在着道德层面与操作层面上的困难而难以被完全认可。 Intellectual freedom is a complex problem for service offered to minors in libraries. For minors, the professional associations tends to protect their right of intellectual freedom. Some American court cases indicate that the boundary of freedom leads to fierce debate, which tunas much more acute when minors access information through the Internet. Within the library indus- try, value neutrality is hard to be absolutely approved, as there are moral and operating difficulties lie in this matter.
出处 《图书馆》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期1-5,18,共6页 Library
  • 相关文献


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