
2012年深圳市市售转基因番木瓜检测 被引量:2

Detection of genetically modified papaya in Shenzhen market in 2012
摘要 目的对深圳市场转基因番木瓜进行筛查和品系鉴定,为评估市售转基因番木瓜的食用安全风险奠定基础,为政府监管提供依据。方法在深圳市场随机抽取转基因番木瓜57份,采用实时荧光PCR法,运用大部分转基因植物共有的CaMV35S启动子和NOS终止子进行转基因成分筛查,对筛查出的阳性样品运用各品系特异性的引物探针进行品系鉴定。结果 57份番木瓜样品中,转基因阳性率为91.2%,其中,GMYK16-0-1品系占96.1%,华农1号品系占3.9%,未检出其他品系转基因番木瓜;超市和农产品批发市场的转基因番木瓜阳性率存在明显差异;所有转基因番木瓜均无转基因相关标识。结论九成以上市售转基因番木瓜为未经我国农业部批准种植的转基因品系,建议政府相关部门加强对转基因番木瓜的监管。 Objective To screen and identify the genetic strains of genetically modified(GM) papayas in Shenzhen market for the sake of food safety risk assessment,and in order to provide scientific base for government regulation.Methods 57 Papayas were randomly collected from Shenzhen markets,detected by Real-time polymerase chain reaction(PCR) with CaMV35S promoter and NOS terminator for screening.The GM positive samples were identified with strain-specific primers and probes.Results In 57 papaya samples,the GM positive rate was 91.2% including 96.1% GMYK16-0-1 strain and 3.9% Huanong-1 strain respectively.Other strains were not detected.There was significant difference in the positive rates of transgenic papaya between supermarket and terminal market origin.No sample was labeled GM relevant.Conclusion Nearly 90% GM papayas were the line that had not been approved by Chinese Ministry of Agriculture.Therefore the administrative departments should reinforce the supervision of GM papaya.
出处 《中国食品卫生杂志》 北大核心 2013年第5期419-423,共5页 Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene
关键词 转基因番木瓜 品系鉴定 转基因标示 监督管理 食品安全 Genetically modified papayas detection strain identification supervision food safety
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