
变直径管参数对瓦斯爆炸火焰传播速度的影响 被引量:3

Parameters of Diameter Varied Pipe Affected to Flame Propagation Velocity of Gas Explosion
摘要 为了研究变直径管直径、长度及位置的变化对瓦斯爆炸火焰传播速度的影响,分别在等直径水平管道和加入不同规格变直径管后的水平管道中进行瓦斯爆炸试验。试验结果表明:在等直径水平管道中,火焰传播速度随着火焰传播距离的增大而减小,加入变直径管后,火焰传播速度在开始阶段稍有增加,而后大幅减小。火焰传播速度随着变直径管直径的增加而增加,随着变直径管长度的增加而减小。水平管道中的变直径管距离点火源越近,火焰传播速度大幅减小位置距离点火源越近。变直径管会导致火焰传播速度趋势的改变,尽量避免这种情况的出现可减低瓦斯爆炸危险程度。 In order to study the diameter, length and location variations of the diameter varied pipe affected to the flame propagation velocity of the gas explosion, gas explosion tests were conducted in the horizontal pipeline of the equivalent diameter horizontal pipeline and after the different specification diameter varied pipe added.The test results showed that in the equivalent diameter horizontal pipeline,the flame propagation velocity would be decreased with the flame propagation distance increased. After the diameter varied pipe added, the flame propagation velocity would be slightly increased at the initial stage and then highly reduced. The flame propagation velocity would be in- creased with the diameter of the diameter varied pipe increased and would be reduced with the length of the diameter varied pipe increased. When the distance of the diameter varied pipe in the horizontal pipeline was more closed to the flame source, flame propagation velocity would be highly reduced with the location distance more closed to the flame sources. Diameter varied pipe would cause the changes of the flame propagation velocity in tendency and to possible eliminate such case occurred could reduce the danger degree of the gas explosion.
出处 《煤炭科学技术》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第10期67-69,85,共4页 Coal Science and Technology
基金 山西省国际合作计划资助项目(2012081014)
关键词 瓦斯爆炸 水平管道 变直径管 位置变化 火焰传播速度 gas explosion horizontal pipeline diameter varied pipe location variation flame propagation velocity
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