
高级肢残游泳运动员的训练问题和前景 被引量:1

Problems and Perspective of Training of Elite Swimmers with Spinal Cord Injuries
摘要 运动理论专家的著述揭示了构成优秀运动员训练过程本质和结构的因素和特征。在既定时间内获得高水平运动成绩一直是竞技体育的主导,同时也确立了运动员们训练过程中的具体要求;然而,对于优秀运动员在适应运动的训练加强方面的研究却为数不多。体育科学将"有条件的"的健康人的体能训练确立为优先研究主题由来已久,但却将身体和精神健康疾病的问题归咎于医药、惩教教育学和福利官员。只有参照残疾运动员的功能性能力和病理学原理以具体和适当的方式结合各种训练和康复措施,才有可能在竞技体育中获得理想的身体素质发展、高水平的技术技能及更多的精神力量。本研究旨在揭示有脊髓损伤的优秀游泳运动员的训练原则,而在研究中所发现的有脊髓损伤的优秀游泳运动员的具体训练原则属于本领域常规和特殊问题中的一个小而关键的部分;因此,本项研究的论证和结论将有助于选定深奥的科学和方法论的发展方向,并最终促进和解决残奥会游泳发展的关键问题。 The works of leading sports theorists reveal the specifics of the factors defining the essence and structure of the process of sports training of healthy elite athletes. The need to obtain high sports results within specified time has always been dominant in elite sport, defining the specifics of the training process of qualified athletes. However the aspects of enhancement of training of elite athletes in adaptive sport are hardly studied. Sports science had been defining physical training of the conditionally healthy person as a priority subject of studies for a long time, leaving the problems of people with physical and mental health disorders to medicine,orrectional pedagogics and welfare officers. Obtaining of the desirable level of de- velopment of physical qualities, high level of technical skills and more mental strength in ompetitive activi- ty is possible only when combining all types of training and rehabilitative measures in the specific and ap- propriate way in view of functional abilities and pathologies of handicapped athletes. The purpose of the study was to reveal the rinciples of training of elite swimmers with spinal cord injuries. The specific prin- ciples of training of elite swimmers with spinal cord injuries, having been revealed in the tudy, are only a small but key part of general and specific problems in the sphere, erewith, their statement and solution will promote choosing the direction of profound scientific and methodological developments and ultimately facilitating settlement of the crucial issues of development of Paralympic swimming.
出处 《首都体育学院学报》 北大核心 2013年第5期385-388,共4页 Journal of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports
关键词 运动训练 高级肢残运动员 游泳 肌肉生物电活性 sports training elite athletes with spinal cord injuries swimming electrobiological ctivity of muscles
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