
产后抑郁症患者的述情障碍与抑郁症状的相关分析 被引量:7

Relationship between Alexithymia of Patients with Postpartum Depression and Depressive Symptoms
摘要 目的探讨产后抑郁症患者的述情障碍与抑郁症状的相关性。方法采用汉密尔顿抑郁量表17项版本(HAMD-17)和多伦多述情障碍量表20项(TAS-20)对60例产后抑郁症患者和60例健康产妇进行评定。结果①产后抑郁症组患者TAS-20总分及3个因子分评分显著高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(t=31.294,21.450,10.006,26.053;P<0.01;);②TAS-20总分及3个因子分与HAMD-17总分、焦虑/躯体化因子(Hf1)、体重因子(Hf2)、认知障碍因子(Hf3)、阻滞因子(Hf4)呈显著正相关(r=0.273~0.638,P<0.01或0.05);睡眠障碍因子(Hf5)与TAS-20总分和3个因子分相关均不显著(r=-0.141~0.030,P>0.05)。结论产后抑郁症患者存在着明显的述情障碍;述情障碍与抑郁症状的严重程度呈显著正相关,产后抑郁症患者的述情障碍与抑郁症状相互影响;有述情障碍的产后抑郁症患者的功能性躯体不适症状更突出。 Objective To investigate the relationship between alexithymia of patients with postpartum depression and depressive symptoms. Methods A total of 60 patients with postpartum depression and 60 healthy postpartum women were enrolled and as- sessed with Chinese version of the 20--item Toronto Alexithymia Scale(TAS--20)and 17--item Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD--17). Results ①The TAS--20 score and Tfl ,Tf2,Tf3 factors scores of patients with postpartum depression were sig- nificantly higher than those of the control group(t= 31. 294,21. 450,10. 006,26. 053 ;P〈0.01). ②The TAS--20 score and Tfl, Tf2, Tf3 factors scores of patients with postpartum depression showed significantly positive correlation (r= 0. 273 ~0. 638, P〈 0.05 )with the total score of HAMD--17, anxiety / somatization factor (Hfl), weight factor (Hf2), cognitive impairment fact, or (Hf3) ,retardation factor(Hf4);There were no correlations between sleep disturbance factor(HfS)and TAS--20 total score,Tfl, Tf2, Tf3 factors scores (r=-0. 141~ 0. 030,P〉0. 05). Conclusion Patients with postpartum depression have significant alex- ithymia;There is a significantly positive correlation between alexithymia and depressive symptom severity,the alexthymia of pa- tients with postpartum depression and depressive symptoms affect each other, patients with postpartum depression who have alex- thymia have more prominent functional somatic symptoms.
出处 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2013年第9期1307-1308,共2页 China Journal of Health Psychology
基金 张家口市科学技术和地震局2012年科学技术研究与发展指导计划项目(计划编号:1221013D)
关键词 产后抑郁症 述情障碍 多伦多述情障碍量表 汉密尔顿抑郁量表 抑郁症状 Postpartum depression Alexithymia Toronto Alexithymia Scale,Hamilton Depression Scale Depressive symptoms
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