Sanjiangyuan Region is the headstream area of three main rivers in Asia, i.e. Yangtze River, Yellow River, and Lancangjiang River (Mekong). It is an important ecological barrier of the local and regional environmental security and sustainable development, not only for China but also for the southeastern Asian, In recent decades, however, grasslands in Sanjiangyuan Region were seriously disturbed or destroyed by both global climate change and human activities, which led to sharp decrease of nourishing capacity of source water and serious environmental problems of the lower reaches. Since 2005, Chinese government began to implement a series of activities, e.g. ' Returning Grazing Land to Grassland Project' and 'Ecological Migration Project' , in Sanjiangyuan Region to alleviate the situation of grassland degradation, and gradually restore and protect the ecological environment. The success of such projects in Sanjiangyuan Region depends largely on local herdsman's active response, support and participation because herdsmen's ecological protective cognition and behavior response to grassland degradation is the key to the effective implementation of ecological protection and herdsmen's participation willingness directly influences the accomplishment efficiency and sustainability of ecological protection.In this paper we surveyed 283 Tibetan herder household and tried to explore the key influential factors of their participation willness with the binary logistic model analysis. Several conclusions can be drawn from this investigation : ( 1 ) About 87 percent ofherdsmen have realized the externality of ecological protection, but only 70 percent of herdsmen passively pal^ticipated in ecological protection based on bounded rationality with government domination. ( 2 ) Factors like government' s protection efforts, herdsmen's cognitive level of ecological protection externalities, livelihood level, the degree of contact with the outside world and career opportunities have positive affects on herdsmen's participation willingness in ecological protection, while factors like age, the distance to the towns and regional extreme climate have negative impacts on the ecological protection wiliness, These factors' influence coefficient are 2.22,3.98,1.93,2.26,1.48,-1.63 ,-2.43 and -0.92. (3) The livelihood level, grassland degradation perception and externalities cognitive are the most important factors of herdsmen's participation willingness in ecological protection, The probability of Herdsmen's participation wiliness is not only the passive response to the consideration of their own profit and the unknown risk but also the individual choices under the influence of ecological protection education and input of local governments. (4) In order to realize regional ecological protection, the wellbeings of local herdsmen and ecological and economical sustainable development, we should basically solve the present livelihood of the herdsmen who living on the local grasslands in the Sanjiangyuan Region and emphasize on the environmental education in their religious and local livings, formulate the conservation strategies and management planning of grasslands with an emphasis on improving both human livelihood and the environmental protection. We should also build a better ecological compensation strategy which lets herdsmen enjoy the externalities effectiveness of ecological protection and then take an active part in ecological protections of Sanjiangyuan Region.
Acta Ecologica Sinica
Sanjiangyuan Region
participation willingness to ecological protection
Logistic model