目的 观察白细胞介素 - 12 (IL- 12 )对重组日本血吸虫谷胱苷肽 - S-转移酶 - 32 k D融合蛋白 (r Sj GST- Sj32 )蛋白免疫小鼠肝脏虫卵肉芽肿大小的影响。方法 BAL B/ c小鼠 36只随机分成 IL- 12加 r Sj GST- Sj32组、r Sj GST- Sj32组和磷酸盐缓冲液 (PBS)组 ,第 3次免疫后 4周 ,经腹部贴片感染 10条尾蚴 ,45天后杀鼠取肝组织 ,常规染色 ,光镜下进行组织学观察及单个虫卵肉芽肿大小的测量。结果 与 PBS组和 r Sj GST- Sj32组相比 ,IL- 12加 r Sj GST- Sj32组虫卵肉芽肿体积明显减少(P<0 .0 1)。在形态学上 ,PBS组和 r Sj GST- Sj32组肝脏虫卵肉芽肿周围有大量嗜酸性粒细胞为主的炎性细胞浸润 ,还有少量的纤维母细胞、类上皮细胞等 ,有的肉芽肿已有纤维形成。IL- 12加 r Sj GST- Sj32组的肝脏虫卵周围仅有少量的嗜酸性粒细胞聚集 ,很少见到胶原纤维。结论 IL- 12能下调 r Sj GST-
Objective To study the effect of IL 12 on schistosoma japonicum egg granuloma formation in liver of micc immunized with recombinant rSjGST Sj32.Methods BALB/cmice were randomly divided into PBS group,rSjGST Sj32 group and rSjGST Sj32 plus IL 12 group.Four weeks after the third immunization,the mice were challenged with cercariae by percutaneous infection.The mice were sacrificed at 45th day after challenge and 51 liver samples from each geoup were taken for pathological study.The size of granuloma was measured and the main cell composition was observed.Results A significant decrease in mean size of egg graunloma in rSjGST Sj32 plus IL 12 group was observed as compared with that in the other two control groups.In PBS group and rSjGST Sj32 group,there were a lot of eosinocytes and a few fibirocytes around liver granulomas and collagenic fibre could be observed in some of granulomas.Contrarily,there was fow eosinocytes and collagenic fibre in IL 12 plus rSjGST Sj32 group.Conclusion IL 12 could down regulate liver egg granuloma response in rSjGST Sj32 immunized mice.
Central China Medical Journal
Schistosoma japonicum
Recombinant protein
Egg granuloma