
基本药物制度实施对基层医疗机构补偿机制的影响研究:基于系统动力学分析 被引量:8

Research on the Influences of the Implementing Essential Medicine System on Compensation Mechanism of Primary Medical Institutions:analysis on system dynamics
摘要 目的:分析基本药物制度实施对基层医疗机构补偿机制的影响并提出完善补偿机制的对策建议。方法:运用系统动力学方法,构造基层医疗机构补偿机制模型,模拟比较基本药物制度实施前后基层医疗机构收支增长情况。结果:基本药物制度实施后,基层医疗机构收入与支出增长减缓;在政府财政补助年增长率达13%时,总收益增长基本保持平衡。结论:为完善基层医疗机构补偿机制可采取政府按时足额补助,适当提高医疗服务价格,建立综合的补偿机制等措施。 Objective: To analyze the influences of implementing essential medicine system on primary medical institutions and give suggestions. Methods: Using system dynamics method to construct the compensation mechanism model for primary medical institutions. Compare the growth in revenue and expenditure of primary medical institutions before and after essential medicine system implementation. Results: After the implement of essential medicine system, the growth in total expenditure and total income of primary medical institutions is steadier; when the annual growth rate of government financial subsidies invested more than 13%, the growth in total receipts will keep balance. Conclusion: It's better to guarantee the government financial subsidies invested in time, raise medical service price properly and establish comprehensive compensation mechanism for implementing compensation mechanism of primary medical institutions.
出处 《中国卫生经济》 北大核心 2013年第10期21-23,共3页 Chinese Health Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(12BGL110) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(12YJC630280)
关键词 基本药物制度 基层医疗机构 补偿机制 系统动力学 essential drug system primary medical institutions compensation mechanism system dynamics
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