
北方汉族白癜风患者HLA-Ⅰ类抗原相关性研究 被引量:8

Study on Association Between Vitiligo and HLA ClassⅠ Antigens
摘要 目的探讨中国北方汉族人群中白癜风与 HLA-Ⅰ类抗原的相关性。方法白癜风患者 95例,采用 HLA血清学分型技术检测 HLA- A、 B位点的抗原特异性,并与 100例正常人进行比较。结果①白癜风患者 HLA- A2、 A10、 A30+ 31、 B13、 B15抗原频率显著增高 (Pc< 0.01) ; HLA- A28、 B46抗原频率显著降低( Pc< 0.01)。②有明确家族史的白癜风患者 HLA- A10、 B13、 B15抗原频率显著增高( Pc< 0.01);无家族史的 HLA- A2、 A30+ 31、 B13、 B15、 B40抗原频率显著增高( Pc< 0.01);将家族史阳性与阴性的患者进行比较,仅发现 HLA- B13抗原有差异( Pc< 0.05)。③与对照组比较,散发型患者 HLA- A10、 A30+ 31、 B13、 B15及限局型患者 HLA- A2、 A30+ 31、 B13、 B15、 B40差异有显著性( Pc< 0.01);肢端型患者 HLA- B13及节段型患者 HLA- A30+ 31、 B13差异有显著性 (Pc均 < 0.01)。结论白癜风患者 HLA- A2、 A10、 A30+ 31、 B13、 B15抗原频率增高 ,HLA- A28、 B46抗原频率降低。家族史阳性及阴性患者及各临床分型间 HLA-Ⅰ类抗原差异亦有显著性。该结果为进一步揭示白癜风的免疫遗传机制提供了线索 ,亦提示北方汉族白癜风在免疫遗传上有一定的特性。 Objective To investigate the association between vitiligo and HLA classⅠ antigens in the Northern Han Chinese. Methods Ninety- five patients with vitiligo and 100 normal controls were tested for HLA- A,B antigens by standard microcytotoxicity assay. Results① It was found that HLA- A2,A10,A30+ 31,B13,B15 antigen frequencies were significantly higher in vitiligo patients than those in the controls, while HLA- A28,B46 antigen frequencies were markedly lower in vitiligo patients (Pc< 0.01).② There was a significant association of HLA- A10,B13,B15 with familial vitiligo patients, whereas non- familial patients were associated with HLA- A2,A30+ 31,B13,B15, B40 (Pc< 0.01). When familial patients were compared with non- familial patients, HLA- B13 was different in frequency between the two groups (Pc< 0.05).③ HLA- A10,A30+ 31,B13 and B15 were significantly increased in the scattered type of vitiligo while HLA- A2,A30+ 31,B13,B15 and B40 were significantly increased in the localized type. HLA- B13 was significantly increased in the acral type of vitiligo while HLA- A30+ 31,B13 were significantly increased in the segmental type. Conclusions The results indicate that vitiligo is positively associated with HLA- A2, A10, A30+ 31, B13, B15 and negatively associated with HLA- A28, B46. There is a significant difference of HLA-Ⅰ antigens in familial patients, non- familial patients and different clinical types of vitiligo. These findings support the hypothesis of an immunogenetic mechanism in the pathogenesis of vitiligo. There is a immunogenetic background in patients with vitiligo in the Northern Han Chinese.
出处 《中华皮肤科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第6期407-409,共3页 Chinese Journal of Dermatology
关键词 白癜风 组织相容性抗原Ⅰ类 相关性 Vitiligo Histocompatibility antigens classⅠ
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  • 1岳晓玉,中华皮肤科杂志,1988年,21卷,293页
  • 2赵桐茂,HLA分型原理和应用,1984年
  • 3徐可愚,中华皮肤科杂志,1982年,15卷,145页
  • 4团体著者,临床皮肤病学,1981年












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