
授权氛围、心理受权氛围与员工的心理受权 被引量:1

Empowerment climate,psychological empowerment climate and employee's psychological empowerment
摘要 本文作者在我国52个旅游企业进行了一次实证研究,同时检验企业层次变量(企业的支持型领导氛围、授权氛围、员工服务行为评估氛围)、部门层次变量(部门的支持型领导氛围、心理受权氛围)和员工层次变量(员工的角色负担过重、角色冲突、角色模糊)对员工心理受权的影响。多层次线性模型分析结果表明,企业和部门层次变量对员工心理受权都有显著的正向影响,员工的角色模糊对心理受权有显著的负向影响。此外,企业的授权氛围不仅会通过部门的心理受权氛围,间接影响员工的心理受权,而且会调节部门的支持型领导氛围对员工心理受权的影响,企业的支持型领导氛围会调节员工的角色负担过重对心理受权的影响,部门的支持型领导氛围会调节员工的角色冲突对心理受权的影响。 An Empirical study of 52 tourism enterprises is conducted to investigate the impact of organizational level variables (organizational supportive leadership climate, empowerment climate, service behavior evaluation climate), departmental level variables (departmental supportive leadership climate and psychological empowerment climate) , employee level variables (em- ployee' s role overload, role conflict and role ambiguity) on employee' s psychological empowerment. The results of HLM analy- sis indicate that both organizational and departmental level variables have positive effects on employee' s psychological empower- ment, and the employee' s role ambiguity has negative effect on the employee' s psychological empowerment. In addition, the or- ganizational empowerment climate has indirect effects on the employee' s psychological empowerment through the departmental psychological empowerment climate, and regulates the relationship between departmental supportive leadership climate and em- ployee' s psychological empowerment. The organizational supportive leadership climate may regulate the relationship between em- ployee' s role overload and their psychological empowerment, and the departmental supportive leadership climate may regulate the relationship between employee' s role conflict and their psychological empowerment.
作者 林美珍
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第9期105-113,共9页 Science Research Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70871123 起止年月:2008.1-2011.12) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(11YJC630116 起止年月:2011.12-2014.12) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(10YJC630140 起止年月:2010.12-2013.12)资助
关键词 支持型领导氛围 授权氛围 心理受权氛围 员工心理受权 员工角色压力 多层次线性模型 supportive leadership climate empowerment climate psychological empowerment climate employee' s psychologi-cal empowerment employee' s role stress hierarchical linear modeling (HLM)
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