
版权协议对图书馆权利的制约与对策分析 被引量:5

The Restriction and Countermeasures of Copyright Agreement for Library Right
摘要 版权协议有利于厘清图书馆与数字资源生产商、销售商等权利人之间的法律关系。但是权利人对版权协议的非理性运用,使得不公平的协议条款对图书馆权利造成了不合理的压缩。对此,图书馆界应明晰双方的义务和责任,积极采取提出立法建议、制定行业性版权协议样本、构建图书馆联盟许可机制、同权利人开展充分谈判等有力措施。 The copyright agreement is benefidal to clarify the legal relationship between the library and digital resources producers, vendors and other rights holders, But the non-rational use of the right holders of copyright agreements, makes the unfair terms of the agreeraent compress the library rights unreasonably. In this regard, the library community should clear obligations and responsibilities of both parties actively and put forward a legisla- tive proposal, the development of industry copyright agreement sample to build library consortia licensing mechanisms, with the rights of people to carry out a full negotiations countermeasures.
作者 刘燕
机构地区 安阳市图书馆
出处 《图书馆工作与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第9期58-61,共4页 Library Work and Study
关键词 图书馆 数字信息资源 版权法 合同法 版权许可 版权协议 Library Digital information resources Copyright law Contract law Copyright licenses Copyright agreements
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