
解读跨文化认同的四种视角 被引量:39

Four Perspectives of Interpreting Intercultural Identity
摘要 跨文化认同是全球化进程中不同文化相互渗透、彼此交融的产物。它超越传统的文化认同观,在促进跨文化对话,建构美美与共、互惠双赢的跨文化关系中扮演着不可或缺的角色。本文分析了西方三个解读跨文化认同的经典理论,在此基础上提出另一种诠释。阿德勒从认同的多元化与世界化来理解跨文化认同,把它定义为新的身份意识及其人格在更高层次上的再整合,展现跨文化人多重、流动的文化归属与世界主义情怀。吉川从认同的互动与联合出发,把它理解为"非一非二"、既独立又联系的双螺旋式跨文化关系,打破二元对立,创建"在之间"的身份认同可能性。金荣渊聚焦认同的个体化与普遍化,把跨文化认同看作不断寻求自我本真与人类共性的进程,昭示交际者打破族群中心主义与文化刻板印象,不断自我转化,适应新环境的能力。笔者关注认同的延伸,把跨文化认同界定为文化认同的拓展与更新,彰显交际者立足自身社会,开放自我,整合不同文化元素的潜质。 This paper attempts to discuss three western classical perspectives, and proposes the fourth one. Adler ap proaches intercultural identity from multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism, who takes it as a new identity con sciousness, and the reintegration of personality at a higher level. This perspective highlights communicators ' multiple cultural memberships and their cosmopolitan mindset. Yoshikawa draws attention to identity interaction and identity-in-unity. He takes intercultural identity as a double-swing relationship that is characterized by ‘not-one, not-two' cultural belonging, revealing the possibility of breaking cultural dichotomy and developing an in-between identity. Kim focuses on the process of individualization and universalization of identity. She conceptualizes intercultural identity as a process where communicators seek self authenticity and universal hu manity, and overcome cultural barriers to achieve intercultural adaptation and transformation. The author stress es identity extension. It is argued that intercultural identity is an extension of cultural identity. In extending cultural identity, communicators open themselves up to other cultures, and develop an ability to incorporate di verse cultural elements into their own. Each of the above perspectives has its unique strength, and all advocate an open and inclusive identity orientation as well as constructive interaction and creative cultural integration.
作者 戴晓东
出处 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第9期144-151,160,共8页 Academic Research
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