由于 Turbo码优异的纠错性能使得其在第三代移动通信(3G)系统中倍受重视。无论是WCDMA还是。cdma2000都将其作为候选的信道编码方案,并且将其列为3G的核心技术之一。本文将 cdma2000中的 Turbo码和同等译码复杂度的卷积码进行比较,给出了在加性白高斯噪声信道和瑞利衰落信道中的仿真结果。
Due to their excellent performance of error correcting, turbo codes have raised great interest in the third generation mobile communication system. They are introduced as not only the selected coding schemes , but also one of the key techniques. In this paper, the turbo codes for cdma2000 is compared with the convolutional codes of equal decoding complexity, and simulation results in AWGN and Rayleigh fading channel are shown.
Electronic Engineer