
专业化:英国继续教育领域教师教育改革的核心 被引量:3

Professionalization:the Core of the Reform of Further Teacher Education in the UK
摘要 英国的继续教育是其整个教育系统的重要组成部分,其教师队伍的质量直接关系到整个系统的教育质量。自20世纪90年代末以来,英国在继续教育领域开始了以提高教师专业化水平为中心的改革。2001年,制定了专业标准,继续教育学院教师拥有教学资格成为法定要求。2007年,颁布了适用于英格兰的《继续教育教师资格条例》和《继续教育教师在职专业发展与注册条例》。这些条例规定了教师的职业地位、教学资格和就职要求,将继续教育教师专业化的进程推向高潮。2012年,英国政府对2007年的教师条例进行了修订完善,使继续教育教师的专业化更加符合经济和社会发展需要。 Further Education is a very important part of the whole education system in the UK.The quality of teachers is directly related with the quality of the system.Since the end of the 1990s,professionalization-oriented reform has been carried out.In 2001,professional standards were developed and teaching qualifications became a regulatory requirement for lecturers in FE colleges.In 2007,Further Education Teachers' Qualifications Regulations 2007 and Further Education Teachers' Continuing Professional Development and Registration Regulations 2007 were issued,and professional status,qualifications and employment requirements were defined for Further Education teachers.The government amended the Regulations 2007 in 2012,and took many measures to enhance the professionalization of Further Education teachers in order to meet the needs of the development of economy and the society.
作者 屈书杰
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第9期43-51,共9页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 2012年教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目<职业技术教育教师比较研究>(项目批准号:12YJA880092)
关键词 英国 继续教育 教师教育 专业化 专业主义 the UK Further Education teacher education professionalization professionalism
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