
IB课程中全球公民素养的理论和实践研究 被引量:5

The Theotrical and Practical Research on Global Civic Literacy within the International Baccalaureate Curriculum
摘要 国际文凭组织是一个国际教育与考试机构。它通过课程设置和科学评价体系践行着全人教育、批判性精神和思维能力、宽容和国际理解及终身学习等新理念,培养学生在全球化进程中所必需的语言、知识、能力和情怀,使其成为负责任的全球公民。国际文凭组织的项目课程和评价系统的很多理念和做法对我国课程改革具有很大的借鉴意义。 International Baccalaureate Organization(IBO)is a international education and examination organization,through curriculum design and scientific evaluation systems,IBO lives up to the ideas of whole-man education,critical thinking,tolerance and international understanding and lifelong learning.IBO cultivates language,knowledge,ability and feelings that students need in the process of globalization,and makes the students become responsible global citizens.Many ideas and practice of programmed curricula and evaluation systems of IBO provides great reference to the curriculum reform in China.
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第9期96-103,共8页 Studies in Foreign Education
关键词 IB课程 全球公民 IB评价体系 国际文凭组织 IB curriculum global citizenship IB evaluation systems International Baccalaureate Organization
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