
美国、新加坡、中国小学数学教材编写的指导思想及其特点——基于教师用书的比较分析 被引量:6

The Guiding Ideology and Characteristics of Mathematics Textbook Composition of Primary Schools in the United States,Singapore and China——Based on Comparative Analysis of Teacher's Resource Books
摘要 教师用书能够帮助教师理解教材的编写理念和内容安排,对教师教学具有重要指导作用。对美国EM教材、新加坡PM教材和中国人教版教材教师用书的比较分析发现,三个版本教材在指导思想上存有共性:都强调"具体→抽象"这种认知方式;都期望以"螺旋式"上升的编排加深学生对知识的理解;都注重采取多种表达方式促进学生的认知发展。同时,由于各个国家的教育与文化背景不同,三个版本教材在指导思想上又各有特点。 Teacher's resource books have an important role in guiding of teaching which can help teachers understand the written ideas and content arrangements of textbooks.Through the comparative analysis of guiding ideology and characteristics between Everyday Mathematics in the USA,Primary Mathematics of Singapore and Mathematics Textbooks of Compulsory Education Curriculum Standard published by People's Education Press in China,we can find that the three versions of textbooks have much more similarities.Firstly,they all emphasize students' cognitive style of knowledge designed from concrete to abstract one.Secondly,they expect to deepen students' understanding of the knowledge by arranging the textbooks' content in a spiral upward way.Thirdly,they also pay attention to take a variety of expressions to promote students' development of cognition.Meanwhile,due to different educational and cultural background,the three versions of textbooks have different characteristic of guiding ideology.
作者 吴琼 高夯
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第9期120-128,共9页 Studies in Foreign Education
关键词 小学数学 教材 教师用书 分数 Mathematics of primary schools textbooks teacher's resource book Fraction
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