
网络安全与澳美同盟 被引量:1

Cyber Security and U.S.-Australia Alliance
摘要 在信息化高速发展的时代,网络空间承载着国家安全、军事和情报合作的重荷,导致同盟面临网络攻击具有相当的脆弱性。为应对和打击潜在对手,澳大利亚和美国宣布将网络安全纳入合作的范围,提出拒止性威慑和惩罚性威慑战略。美澳实施网络威慑战略可增强威慑实力,但也面临挑战。网络空间的固有特点影响威慑战略的有效实施;网络威慑战略的实施有可能引发网络军备竞赛,更不利于维护网络安全。通过有效的沟通磋商机制,建立和谐、安全的网络空间,加强合作,实现共同安全,而不是建立在冷战思维指导下的针对第三方的网络同盟,是实现网络安全的最终途径。 With the rapid development of information technology,cyberspace is now serving a crucial function in national security,military and intelligence cooperation.However,the internet leaves the alliance vulnerable to network attack.To address threats and fight prospective rivals,Australia and the United States have announced that their alliance will extend into cyberspace.They put forward the strategy of deterrence through punishment and through denial.Their adoption of strategy of cyber deterrence could enhance the deterrent strength,but faces challenges.In this paper,three aspects of their joint cooperation in cyberspace will be discussed:motivation of cyber security cooperation between the two countries,strategy to respond to cyber threats,and,current and future challenges they will meet.Intrinsic characteristics of cyberspace lead to ineffective implementation of cyber deterrence strategy.Implementation of cyber deterrence strategy could trigger arms race,which is not conducive to maintaining cyber security.Through effective mechanisms of communication and consultation,through establishing harmonious and secure cyberspace,achieving common security by cooperation,rather than cyber security alliance under the guidance of the cold war mentality in view of the third party,is the ultimate way of cybersecurity.
作者 岳小颖
出处 《美国研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期51-61,6,共11页 The Chinese Journal of American Studies
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