As a new form of procedure, the advent of the third generation of administra- tive procedures is to respond to the new characteristics of the administrative state, which are those transitions from state-centered administration to the one attaching equal importance to global and state administrations, from ' command-controlling' style administration arising from totalitarianism to ' partners-equal' style administration arising from cooperation, and from the negative adminis- tration of law to the positive management of society. Compared with the first and second genera- tions of administrative procedures, the third generation of administrative procedures would not re- place them completely actually. However, in terms of the nature of procedure, focuses of adminis- trative procedures, models of administration, methods of regulation, information gathering and processing, and roles of private actors, etc. , the third generation of administrative procedures has its own significant characteristics. In this sense, the third generation of administrative procedures surpasses the first and second generations of administrative procedures. In a practical world of ad- ministration, Strategic Environmental Assessment Procedures in EU, Negotiatory Rulemaking Pro- cedures in US, and so on can be used as the institutional prototype of the third generation of ad- ministrative procedures. China should respond effectively to the new characteristics of administra- tive state and absorb more factors of the third generation of administrative procedures in its codifi- cation of administrative procedures and its institutional design of special laws of administrative pro- cedures and other related administrative procedures in the future.
Global Law Review