于2011年7月—2012年11月对某污水厂进水单元(包括进水泵房、格栅和曝气沉砂池)、污泥浓缩池及储泥池中ρ(H2S)及其对应的污水水质〔温度、ρ(DO)、pH、ρ(COD Mn)、ρ(硫化物)〕和污泥泥质指标〔w(AVS)(AVS为酸可挥发性硫化物)、ORP(氧化还原电位)、温度、pH〕进行了长期监测,分别采用单因素和多因素统计方法分析了ρ(H2S)与污水水质、污泥泥质指标之间的相关性.结果表明:监测期间进水泵房、格栅、曝气沉砂池、污泥浓缩池及储泥池中的ρ(H2S)分别为0.08~4.27、0.04~111.61、0.16~115.69、0.007~0.04和0.21~4.00 mg/m3.进水泵房、格栅和曝气沉砂池中的ρ(H2S)与污水温度呈显著正相关,与污水pH、ρ(DO)呈显著负相关.当污水温度低于15℃、ρ(DO)高于0.20 mg/L或pH高于7.2时,进水泵房、格栅、曝气沉砂池中ρ(H2S)维持在较低的水平,分别低于0.27、3.90和7.34 mg/m3.污泥浓缩池和储泥池中ρ(H2S)与污泥w(AVS)呈显著正相关,与ORP呈显著负相关.
Totally 3272wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) were built by the end of September 2012in China. The odor pollution related to WWTPs draws much attention and the odor control in WWTPs becomes more and more important in China. As one of the most typical odorants in WWTPs, H2S is generated from the wastewater and sludge and ρ(H2S) can be determined by characteristics of wastewater or sludge. The correlated parameters of wastewater includes temperature, ρ(DO), pH, ρ(CODMn) and sulfide ρ[S(Ⅱ)]. The correlated parameters of sludge includes acid volatile sulfide (AVS), oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), temperature and pH. So far, most of studies about the relationship between ρ(H2S) and the characteristic parameters of wastewater or sludge are carried out under laboratory conditions. The concentrations of H2S emitted from pump station, fine screen, aerated grit chamber, sludge thickening tank and sludge storage tank of a municipal wastewater treatment plant were monitored for long period. Meanwhile, wastewater parameters (temperature, ρ(DO), pH, ρ(CODMn), ρ[S(Ⅱ)]) and sludge parameters (AVS, ORP, temperature, pH) were also monitored. The correlation between ρ(H2S) and the characteristic parameters of wastewater or sludge was analyzed by the single variable and multivariate analyses. The results showed that the ρ(H2S) in the pump station was 0.08~4.27mgm3, the ρ(H2S) in fine screen was 0.04~111.61mgm3, the ρ(H2S) in aerated grit chamber was 0.16~115.69mgm3, the ρ(H2S) in sludge thickening tank was 0.007~0.04mgm3and the ρ(H2S) in sludge storage tank was 0.21~4.00mgm3.The results also showed that the ρ(H2S) in the pump station, fine screen and aerated grit chamber had significant positive correlation with wastewater temperature and significant negative correlation with pH or ρ(DO) of the wastewater. When the wastewater temperature is under 15℃, or ρ(DO) is above 0.20mgL, or pH is above 7.2, the ρ(H2S) in pump station, fine screen and aerated grit chamber were quite lower than those under other conditions. Under these conditions, the ρ(H2S) in pumping station, fine screen and aerated grid chamber was kept under 0.27,3.90and 7.34mgm3. The ρ(H2S) in the sludge thickening tank and sludge storage tank had a significant positive correlation with sludge AVS and a significant negative correlation with sludge ORP.
Research of Environmental Sciences
municipal wastewater treatment plant
wastewater characteristics
sludge characteristics