
大学英语课堂有效教学调查研究 被引量:13

A Survey Research on Effective Teaching in Tertiary EFL Classroom
摘要 师生信念异同是影响课堂有效教学的关键因素。为了探究我国大学师生对英语课堂有效教学信念的异同,从某省五所高校随机选取35名大学英语教师以及这些教师所教的1 052名大学非英语专业本科生开展问卷调查。数据分析表明,我国大学师生关于英语课堂有效教学的信念存在差异,但也存在诸多一致。提高大学英语课堂有效教学的,应正确认识学习目标,促进陈述性知识向程序性知识的转化;适当运用母语,搭建外语课堂学习的社交与认知空间;充分发挥教师的主导作用,真正体现出学生的主体作用。 Teachers and students beliefs are the crucial factors for effective teaching in classroom. In order to make a thorough inquiry into the similarities and differences in beliefs between teachers and students concerning effective teaching in tertiary EFL classroom in China, the research data were collected through student and teacher questionnaires as well as interviews. Participants included 35 teachers and 1052 undergraduates, who were randomly selected from five universities in one province in China, and the undergraduates were non-English majors. The result showed that teachers and students beliefs concerning effective teaching in tertiary EFL classroom were significantly different, simultaneously, some aspects were generally matched. To improve effective teaching in tertiary EFL classroom, we should correctly recognize learning objectives, and promote the transformation from declarative knowledge to procedural knowledge; appropriately apply mother language, and establish the realm of social activity and acknowledge for classroom learning of foreign languages; give full play to the leading role of teachers, and genuinely reflect the principle role of students
作者 任庆梅
出处 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第9期128-133,142,共7页 Educational Research
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目"我国大学英语有效课堂环境构建研究"(12BYY054)的阶段性成果
关键词 大学英语课堂 有效教学 教师信念 学生信念 tertiary EFL classroom, effective teaching, teachers beliefs, students beliefs
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