
二元管理机制下的企业能力构建路径——基于劳务派遣跨界员工管理的视角 被引量:1

The Paths of Firm Capability Building under Ambidextrous Management:Based on Boundary Spanners' Perspective under the Context Of Labor Dispatch
摘要 能力构建是企业创新与发展不可回避的命题。当劳务派遣作为一种新型人力资源管理形式被引入企业后,会使得原来的"企业—员工"直接关系转变为"企业—派遣机构—员工"的三方关系,导致企业希望使用劳务派遣,又难以使用劳务派遣的两难选择。作为跨界工作者的派遣员工须接受企业和派遣机构的共同管理,如何实现二元管理机制协同也成为劳务派遣情境下推动企业能力构建的关键点。本文通过对劳务派遣使用中两难情境的深入剖析和对能力构建中二元管理机制的探索,提出劳务派遣引发的三方关系将影响派遣员工在组织创新活动中的作用和效果,其中派遣机构会通过正式控制来影响派遣员工的创新活动,企业则会通过非正式控制来影响派遣员工的创新活动,基于企业与派遣机构间组织协调的二元管理机制协同可以更有效地推动能力构建活动。 In this paper, we discuss the topic about firm capability building under the context of labor dispatch in China. Labor dispatch has been extensively used in enterprises in recent years. The firms can achieve flexible em- ployment through labor dispatch, especially after the implement of Labor Contract Law. Due to the incomplete sys- tems, there are also a series of problems in the practice. Capability building is an important statement for enterpri- ses' survival and development. The dispatched staff will be involved into the process of capability building after they enter the companies, and the companies hope that the dispatched staff can actively participate in the knowledge cre- ation and sharing. Hence, we aim to investigate the paths of firm capability building under the context of labor dis- patch. At first, we illustrate the importance of studying the paths of firm capability building under the context of labor dispatch. We advance that capability building is one of the most important tasks in organization creation activities af- ter reviewing related literatures in the field of capability building. In the research about organization creation, the phenomenon that individual employees drive organization creation has increasingly received attention, especially in- dividual employee spans the boundary to improve creation through strengthening knowledge interaction between or- ganization and environment. The boundary spanners play important roles in organization creation. The previous re- searches just pay attention to the interaction between inner employees and firms outside or between individuals. But it's a typical overlapping between different organizations under the context of labor dispatch, in which the dis- patched employees can create value for two different firms at the same time, and the three-cornered relationship a- mong the firm, the dispatch organization and the dispatched staff will influence the implementation of firm creation activities orderly. Secondly,when labor dispatch is embedded into organizations as a new form of human resource management, conventional direct employment relationship turns into indirect three-way employment relation- ship. And the dilemma in the organization creation comes up. On the one hand, the firms can find potential staff to improve creation activities by using the flexible employment form of labor dispatch ; on the other hand, it can bring the negative effect of increasing management complexity and cost, and then even affect creation activities. Therefore, it is essential to resolve the problem how to coordinate the ambidextrous management mechanism to promote firm capability building under the context of labor dispatch. We reach the following conclusions through deeply analyzing the dilemma in the use of labor dispatch and exploring the ambidextrous management mechanism in capability building: firstly, the unified relationship between employment and use becomes the three-dimensional relationship among the dispatched staff, enterprises and the dispatch organizations and the relationship between en- terprises and employees changes accordingly. Secondly, the three-cornered relationship evoked by labor dispatch will have effect on the dispatched staff' s roles playing in organization creation. Thirdly, the dispatched staff has to face the ambidextrous management because of the separation of enterprises and the dispatch organizations' management functions. Fourthly, the firms can promote firm capability building through effective coordination between organiza- tions to bring out the coordination of the ambidextrous management with formal control and informal control as main content.
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第10期48-56,共9页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目"转型期劳资关系对企业二元创新能力的影响机制研究(13CGL073)" 国家社会科学基金项目"沿海发达地区私营企业和谐劳动关系影响机制实证研究"(12BJY084)
关键词 劳务派遣 能力构建 跨界员工 二元管理 labor dispatch capability building boundary spanner ambidextrous management
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