
农民工健康风险冲击因素维度构建与实证分析——基于1497份实地调查问卷数据 被引量:2

The Dimensional Construction and Empirical Analysis of Health Risk Shocks of Migrant Workers——Based on the 1497 Field Questionnaire Data
摘要 农民工健康受到各种风险因素的冲击。本文基于农民工健康风险冲击因素评价的1497份量表,运用结构方程模型(SEM),对农民工健康风险冲击因素构建了个人生活习惯、社会环境、务工单位的劳动保护状况、社会保障、务工中的自我实现感及农民工的精神面貌等六个风险冲击维度;提出并检验了四个有关风险冲击维度的研究假设,考察各风险冲击维度之间的相互关系,并比较和分析各维度对农民工健康的影响差异和作用机制。实证结果表明,农民工健康风险冲击因素的各维度之间具有相关性且均与健康风险正相关,在影响程度上存在显著差异,且社会环境、劳动保护的影响大于其它。本研究为有效规避农民工健康风险提供了理论依据,并提出了降低农民工健康风险的对策和政策建议。 Migrant workers is an important component of Chinese industrial workers, and they receive health shocks from multiple risk factors. With migrant workers as the research object, this paper is designed to fully investi- gate the health risk sources of migrant workers and to build health risk shock dimensions of migrant workers Specifically, based on 1497 weight tables on the evaluation of the migrant workers' health risks, using structural e- quation model (SEM) method, this paper builds six risk shock dimensions on migrant workers' health risk shock factors, which includes personal habits, social environment, labor protection of working units, social security, the sense of self-realization during working and the mental outlook of migrant workers. Also four hypotheses on risk shock dimensions have been proposed and tested to study the relationship among different dimensions, and compare or analyze the differences and mechanism of those dimensions' effects on migrant workers' health. The empirical results mainly shows that : ( 1 ) there are correlations among these dimensions and each dimension is positively corre- lated with the health risks ; (2) there are significant differences in the degree of impact, and the effects of the social environment and labor protection dimensions are greater than the other ,followed by social security ,personal habits, the sense of self-realization and the mental outlook dimensions. Compared with previous research, the innovation of this paper is : ( 1 ) based on the health demand model of Grossman, this paper shift the health needs study to the specific studies of health risk and their shock factors, which will deepen the health demand study and make it more concrete ; (2) compared with the emphasis on the theoretical analysis and the lack of empirical support of previous research, based on the data from field research and from the view of economics, management science and public health, this paper uses SEM method constructing health risk measurement model of migrant workers and compare the shock degree and the mechanism of various risk dimensions systematically; (3)this article provides a solid theoretical and empirical foundation on how to effectively avoid the health risk shocks of the migrant workers, and proposes specific and targeted countermeasures and policy recommen- dations to reduce the health risks of the migrant workers. On the basis of analysis above, the policy recommendations of this paper include:( 1 )creating a fair,just and fa- vorable social atmosphere. It needs to optimize social support system of migrant workers ,to promote equal pay under same jobs ,to unify urban and rural labor markets and so on ,so that migrant workers can integrate into urban life faster and better;(2)urging the migrant workers to strengthen their awareness of the health capital investment as early as possible. The specific measures include Mobilizing migrant workers' personal enthusiasm and initiative of raising awareness of health protection ,Consolidating the achievements of compulsory education and further improving the level of education of migrant workers,prompting the change in household decision-making ,making them willing to increase health capital investment and accumulate health human capital and so on. (3)distinguishing what is the most impor- tant and meeting the urgent demand for health services of migrant workers step by step. Combined with strong mobili- ty ,low-income and other characteristics of migrant workers ,improving the social welfare level of migrant workers grad- ually is very important; (4)dredging the information channels and disclosure mechanism of policies to allow migrant workers to be able to promptly and fully understand the various social security measures as well as the policy initia- tives provided by government health services for migrant workers. (5)developing sustainable social security policies as soon as possible to improve the social security system and to solve medical problems of migrant workers.
作者 魏峰 蒋长流
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第10期165-173,共9页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"农民工健康风险冲击因素评估及健康服务政策研究"(71073001) 国家社科基金青年项目"我国中等收入群体规模变动因素分析研究"(12CJY016)
关键词 农民工 健康风险 风险冲击维度 结构方程模型 mizrant workers: health risk: health risk shock dimensions: structural eauation model
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