
盐生植物种植对克拉玛依农业开发区盐分平衡的影响 被引量:10

Impacts of Halophytes Planting on Salt Balance in Agricultural Development Region of Karamay City
摘要 水资源日益紧缺态势下,以水利工程措施调控灌区盐分平衡已难以为继,生物脱盐对于无排水灌区盐分平衡调控意义重大。以克拉玛依市农业开发区重盐化土壤为对象实施了盐生植物田间试验。基于水盐平衡原理,计算了灌溉水盐分输入量与盐生植物生物移盐量,构建了盐分平衡关系方程。研究结果表明,盐地碱蓬与野榆钱菠菜可以进行灌区脱盐,其中野榆钱菠菜两年的地上部分生物量分别为27 040.4和25 620.0kg/hm2,刈割后灰分盐移出量分别为7 618.6和7 019.5kg/hm2,移出的盐量是灌溉水引入盐量的7.8和7.2倍;盐地碱蓬两年的地上部分生物量分别为18 836.4和19 119.3kg/hm2,刈割后灰分盐移出量分别为5 258.0和5 185.0kg/hm2,移出的盐量是灌溉水引入盐量的5.4和5.3倍。在无排水灌区,盐生植物生物脱盐将是盐分平衡调控的重要途径。 With the increasing scarcity of water resources, it is becoming difficult to use hydraulic engineering measures to regulate salt balance in irrigation districts. Bio-desalination method is of great importance to improve salt balance regulation in irrigation districts where drainage systems are lacking. In this study, we conducted field experiments by using halophytic vegetation in the heavily salinized soils in the agricultural devel- opment region of Karamay City. Based on the principle of salt-water balance, the salt content in irrigation water and the amount of bio-desalination of the halophytic vegetation were calculated, and an equation for salt balance regulation was established. Our results indicated that Atriplex aucheri and Suaeda salsa were two ideal options for bio-desalination. The aboveground biomass of Atriplex aucheri was 27 040. 4 and 25 620.0 kg/hm2 in 2009 and 2010, respectively, while the ash-free dry weight of Atriplex aucheri after clipping was 7 618.6 and 7 019.5 kg/hm2 in 2009 and 2010, respectively. The corresponding amount of bio- desalination was 7.8 and 7.2 times of the amount of salt introduced by irrigation water, respectively. As for Suaeda salsa, the aboveground biomass was 18 836.4 and 19 119.3 kg/hm2 ; while the ash-free dry weight was 5 258.0 and 5 185.0 kg/hm2 , respectively. The corresponding amount of bio-desalination was 5.4 and 5.3 times of the amount of salt introduced by irrigation water, respectively. We concluded that, bio-desalination using halophytic vegetation will be an important approach to salt balance regulation in irrigation districts where drainage systems are lacking.
出处 《水土保持通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期211-215,共5页 Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 新疆维吾尔自治区科技计划项目"新疆典型区风沙与盐碱综合整治关键技术研发及应用"(201130106-2) 国家高技术研究发展(863)计划项目(2012AA100604-6) 中国科学院"西部之光"人才培养计划项目(XBBS200811 XBBS201101)
关键词 无排水系统灌区 盐生植物 地上生物量 盐分平衡 . irrigation districts devoid of drainage systems halophytic vegetation aboveground biomass salt balance
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