
沉积-沉淀法制备金催化剂用于CO催化氧化 被引量:3

Preparation by Deposition-Precipitation Method of Gold Catalyst for CO Oxidation
摘要 采用沉积-沉淀法制备了一种介孔氧化铝负载的金催化剂用于CO的低温催化氧化,详细考察了催化剂制备条件、干燥条件和热处理条件对其催化性能的影响。采用X射线粉末衍射(XRD)、透射电镜(TEM)、低温N2物理吸附(N2-BET)、电感耦合等离子发射光谱(ICP-AES)和紫外-可见漫反射(Uv-vis DRS)对催化剂进行了表征。结果表明,通过严格控制催化剂的制备条件、干燥条件和热处理条件,可以在惰性氧化铝载体上高重复性可控合成具有高分散度的金催化剂,金颗粒最佳平均粒径为2 nm,体现出良好的CO低温催化氧化性能。 A gold catalyst Au/meso-γ-Al2O3 for CO oxidation was synthesized by depositing Au NPs onto a home-made mesoporous γ-Al2O3 via deposition-precipitation method. The preparation, drying and calcination conditions were systematically investigated, and the catalysts were characterized by means of X-ray diffraction(XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM), N2 adsorption isotherm at -196 ℃, nductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry( ICP- AES) , and Uv-vis DRS. The experimental testing results indicate that the small Au NPs of -2.0 nm is highly active for CO oxidation,which could be realized by accurately controlling the preparation, drying and calcination conditions.
出处 《精细化工》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第10期1117-1121,1148,共6页 Fine Chemicals
关键词 金催化剂 CO氧化 沉积-沉淀法 介孔氧化铝 双水解法 gold catalyst CO oxidation deposition-precipitation method mesoporous alumina cation-anion double hydrolysis method
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