

Therapeutic Effect Observation of Treating Hepers Zoster by Tiny Needle Knife Lysis of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Combination with Western Medicine
摘要 目的:观察中医微针刀松解术结合西药与单纯西药治疗带状疱疹的疗效比较。方法:将240例腰背部患带状疱疹的病人随机分成两组(微针刀结合西药组和西药组)。西药用口服维生素B_1、B_(12)、泛昔洛韦片,止痛用卡马西平片。结果:中医微针刀结合西药组痊愈和显效率93.33%,西药组痊愈和显效率66.67%,P<0.01,有显著差异。结论:中医微针刀结合西药治疗组疗效明显优于单纯西药组。 Objective : To contrast the therapeutic effect of the tiny needle knife lysis of traditional Chinese medicine in combination with Western medicine and the simple Western medicine therapy. Methods : 240 patients with hepers zoster on hack and waist were randomly separated by the tiny needle knife in combination with Western medicine group and Western medicine group.The Western medicines are Vitamin Bl, Vitamin B12, Fameiclovir Tablet and Carbamazepine Tablet. Results: The excellence effect and healing rate of the tiny needle knife in combination with Western medicine group was 93.33%, and that of Western medicine group was 66.67%, P〈0.01. The variance was distinguished. Conclutions : The therapeutic effect of the traditional Chinese medicine of tiny needle knife lysis in combination with Western medicine group was obviously better than that of the Western medicine group.
出处 《辽宁中医药大学学报》 CAS 2013年第10期187-188,共2页 Journal of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 带状疱疹 微针刀 西药 hepers zoster tiny needle knife Western medicine
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