DC-specific ICAM-3-grabbing nonintegrin (DC-SIGN), a II-type transmembrane protein specifically expressed on DCs and segmentally on lymph node sinusoidal macrophages. The carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD) of DC-SIGN recognizes Lewis (Le) glycans, which are present on colon epithelia upon malignant transformation of normal colon epithelia. Immature dendritic cells are located intratumorally within colorectal cancer and intimately interact with tumor cells, whereas mature dendritic cells are present peripherally to the tumor, which may be due to that the interactions between DCs and colon carcinoma cells impair the function and differentiation of DCs, and the mechanism is likely to be that DC-SIGN on MoDCs, upon the binding of colon cancer-associated Le glycans, interferes with TLR-mediated signaling in DC maturation. Mature DCs but not immature DCs activate the resting T cells to initiate the acquired immune responses to tumor. Therefore, similar to pathogens that target DC-SIGN to escape immunosurveillance, tumor cells may interact with DC-SIGN to suppress dendritic cell functions, which contributes to the growth of colon cancer. Studies on the biochemical changes and the mechanism of immunological escape after the interactions between DC-SIGN and Le glycans will provide us with a new method for treating and preventing the colon cancer and other tumors that express CEA abnormally.
Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences