

Legal Analysis of Export Control of Individual-owned Cultural Property
摘要 一国政府对个人所有的文化财产实施出口控制需要综合考虑合理性、合法性和可行性之间的关系。合法性涉及一国实施出口控制的权限和相应后果。可行性涉及一国的出口控制法律能否被他国所承认和执行。中国的文化财产出口控制法律体制具有明显的国家主义与民族主义特征,其域外效力有限,为提升该法律制度在国际层面的合法性和可行性,应重新审视该制度的合理性。 The implementation of export control of individual-owned cultural property needs to comprehensively take the relationship among rationality, legality and {easibility into account. Legality refers to the competence and corresponding consequences of the implemen- tation of export control. Feasibility concerns the recognition and enforcement of export con- trol law of a country in other countries. The legal system of export control of cultural proper- ty in China is obviously characterized by nationalism and has limited extraterritorial effects. In order to promote the legality and feasibility of this legal system at an international level, the rationality should be reconsidered.
作者 孙南申 彭岳
出处 《上海财经大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期33-40,56,共9页 Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
基金 国家社科基金项目"文化财产的跨国流转与返还法律问题研究"(09BFX087)
关键词 个人所有 文化财产 出口控制 合理性、合法性和可行性 individual ownership cultural property export control rationality, legality and feasibility
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