Although the HIDS has strong detection capability for documents, its cost of economy and system overhead are too high.Actualiy the NIDS' s application scenario is more widely, and more detecting nodes can be deployed, so that enhance detection capabilities of NIDS can support malicious code defense more effectively. However, the number of NIDS multi node devices is huge. but the devices are low-end relatively, lower unit costs, for these reasons the NIDS can not be the same as the HIDS to do the recombination for captured network packets . Even if you can, but also time-consuming, and processing speed can not keep up with network traffic speed. That will cause a lot of packets loss. So find a way to make the front end hosts in NIDS detect malicious code without doing data packets recombination is signality. In the case of not to restructuring the packets, through the way of detecting single packages' contents to find the questionable packages and produce alarm information, can significantly enhance the detection capacity of front end hosts in NIDS, and make the NIDS have the ability to detect abnormality in the process of viral transmission.
Network & Computer Security
malicious code:virus detection
without recombination