建立适应社会主义市场经济发展需要的国有企业管理体制 ,是实现国有企业改革和发展目标的关键。应将明确和简化产权关系、缩短战线、完善机制等作为今后 10年国有企业改革的战略目标。同时 ,我国政府经济职能应再作相应的调整 ,其原则和方向是 ,国有企业管理权集中在拟设置的国务院国有企业管理局 ,地方政府原则上不再直接管理国有企业 ,地方政府的层级愈低 ,其经济职能应当愈弱 。
To establish a management system in state owned enterprises that answers well the need of socialist market economy is the key to realizing the reform and development goal of state owned enterprises. In the coming 10 years, the strategic goal of state owned enterprise reform should be defining and simplifying the property right ownership, shortening the “battle line” and perfecting the mechanism. Meanwhile, the economic functions of governments at all levels should go through corresponding changes. It is proposed that a state owned enterprise administration bureau be established under the State Council, which is to administer the management of state owned enterprises across the country, and local governments stay away from the administration in principle. The lower level the local government is, the weaker its economic functions should be and the stronger its social service and management functions must be.
Journal of Wuhan University of Science and Technology:Social Science Edition