建立和健全法律援助制度 ,对于保障公民权利 ,实现司法公正 ,维护社会稳定 ,具有十分重要的意义。我国法律援助制度的具体内容集中体现在《刑事诉讼法》、《律师法》和《老年人权益保障法》之中。为完善我国的法律援助制度 ,首先要扩大刑事法律援助的受援条件 ;其次 ,健全法律援助机构 ;最后 。
It is of momentous significance to establish and perfect the legal aid system for guaranteeing citizens' rights,accomplishing judicial justice and upholding social stabilization. The concrete contents of the legal aid system in China embody a concentrated reflection in the Code of Criminal Procedure,the Code of Lawyer,the Code of Guarantee of the Aged Rights and Interests.In order to perfect the legal aid system,the recipient conditions of criminal legal aid should be extended in the first place.The institution pattern of legal aid should be perfected,and the legal aid fund should be guaranteed.
Journal of Wuhan University of Science and Technology:Social Science Edition