证人制度的完善是民事审判方式改革的迫切要求和必然结果。由于立法和司法上的原因 ,在我国民事诉讼中 ,证人拒不作证或拒不出庭、证人作伪证及证人证言的反复等现象普遍存在。本文分析目前我国证人作证制度存在的问题及其原因 ,借鉴外国立法例 ,提出完善民事诉讼证人制度的建议 ,包括建立证人适格制度、增设拒绝作证权规定、明确证人拒不作证的法律责任、增设证人宣誓制度。
The perfection of witness system is the urgent demand and inevitable result for the way of civil adjudication. Owing to legislative and judicial causes, the phenomena such as witness refuses to testify or to appear in court, witness gives false testimony, and the reversal of witness testimony are existed in civil action of our country. Starting from analysing problems of lawsiut witness system in our country at present and their causes, and using the experience of foreign countries in legislative examples, the authors suggest to perfect the witness system in civil action. For further details, they suggest to set up system of competence of witness, to add the stipulation on the right of refuse to testify, to make clear the legal liability for refusing to testify, to add the system of witness oath, and to value the guarantee of witness rights and interests.
Journal of Huaqiao University(Philosophy & Social Sciences)