H-bridge cascade frequency converters have been widely used for medium voltage variable speed drives due to their good features. Usually diode rectifiers are adopted in the H-bridges of this kind of converters, it makes the converters can not work in 4 quadrants. The converters can work in 4 quadrants if PWM rectifiers (AFE) are adopted instead of diode ones. But some inductors and capacitors have to be added to the input of the AFE and its control is complicated. A proposal replacing the AFE by IGBT rectifier/ regenerative units is made in this paper, it can make the converters have similar features with diode ones, but can work in 4 quadrants and do not need add inductors and capacitors like AFE. Matrix converter (MC) is a kind of PWM AC-AC direct converters with good performances. By means of cascade of 3-phasesingle-phase MC bridges, it can be built to a 4-quadrant medium voltage converter. This kind of MC bridge cascade medium voltage converter developed by Yaskawa Co. is introduced in this paper and comparisons have been made between it and the H-bridge cascade one with IGBT rectifier/regenerative units.
The World of Inverters
4-quadrant medium voltage frequency converter H-bridge cascaderectifier/regenerative units MC-bridge cascade