考察了过氧化物硫化体系和硫黄硫化体系EPDM/ 1,2 聚丁二烯橡胶 (1,2 PBR)和EPDM/BR并用胶的硫化特性、交联密度和物理性能。结果表明 :采用过氧化物硫化体系时 ,EPDM与 1,2 PBR和BR并用后 ,硫化胶的交联密度、10 0 %定伸应力、邵尔A型硬度和撕裂强度增大 ,且前者的增幅较大 ;采用硫黄硫化体系时 ,1,2 PBR和BR均可提高EPDM的硫化速率 ,且随着 1,2 PBR用量的增大 ,硫化胶的交联密度、10 0 %定伸应力和邵尔A型硬度略有减小 ,拉伸强度和撕裂强度增大 ,而随着BR用量的增大 ,硫化胶的 10 0 %定伸应力和拉伸强度明显减小。通过差示扫描量热分析发现 :过氧化物硫化体系中 ,EPDM/ 1,2 PBR并用胶中EPDM和1,2 PBR的共硫化程度较大。
The curing behavior,the crosslinking density and the physical properties of EPDM/1,2 PBR and EPDM/BR blends cured with the peroxide curing system and the sulfur curing system respectively were investigated.The results showed that the crosslinking density,the modulus at 100% elongation,the Shore A hardness and the tear strength of EPDM/1,2 PBR and EPDM/BR cured with the peroxide curing system increased,and those of EPDM/1,2 PBR increased more significantly;the cure rate of EPDM was increased by blending with 1,2 PBR or BR when cured with the sulfur curing system,and the crosslinking density,the modulus at 100% elongation and the Shore A hardness of the vulcanizate decreased slightly as the proportion of 1,2 PBR increased,the modulus at 100% elongation and the tensile strength of the vulcanizate decreased significantly as the proportion of BR increased.It was found by DSC that the better covulcanization of EPDM/1,2 PBR blend was obtained with the peroxide curing system.
China Rubber Industry